Obama and Immigration
Obama has taken the correct action using his executive order to grant permits that will benefit more than 4 million undocumented Immigrants. In one speech he accomplished what could not be done by congress in almost 2 years. This also means that a lot of people will be out of the shadows and can do things that they could not normally do. They can go on vacations while still in the United states with out fear of getting pulled over and deported back to their country. This also means a boost in the economy locally and national because of the traveling that will be done by the people who's legal status will change, the immigrants have to pay fees and taxes in order to be able to change their legal status. This also means that people will not be afraid to spend money on things because they will be more secure. Most of these people already have jobs, this means that all the people that say that they will take their jobs are most likely wrong. This will help The United States because it will hold accountable all the immigrants that are felons and they will be sent back to their Nation. This means that the people who will be deported are those who have felonies. Also, the border between Mexico and The United States will be secured to catch most of the individuals who try to cross over to the United States illegally.
On Tuesday, December 2, 2014, classmate Gildardo Gallardo wrote an outstanding original commentary involving the U.S. Government.Gildardo commented on how president Obama "has taken the correct action using his executive order to grant permits that will benefit more than 4 million undocumented immigrants." I completely agree with Gil's opinion because I as an immigrant know what it is like to live under the shadows living every day in a paranoid way knowing one day I will get deported. Being given a benefit to stay in the U.S. and work legally is something any immigrant desires, despite having many against it. Many conservative states have gone against Obama's decisions are taking actions to null and void the Executive order. Gildardo targets liberals and tries to influence conservatists who are against it. Overall Gildardo's opinion on Obama's Executive action is something I would personally back up.